Wednesday 22 June 2011


Sa miss ma0 sma'sma ka0 balik :(
miss texting sma ka0 . 
miss calling sma ka0 . 
miss b'mnja'mnja sma ka0 ,
miss sumaa lha sal ka0 ~
wlwpwn kta nda pena pwn b'ckp dpn'dpn . 
chan'chan d HANPON seja lah! hha!
entah buli kah enda kc balik thu masa! huh!
klw buli nda ma0 kc lpas ka0 sudaa 0eh! 
bgus'bgus sudaa kita b'baik , tba'tba
ada p0mpuan dtg ambi ka0 dri sa ~ adehh . 
men sa pnas! huh! 
kwn sa lgi thu~apabaa ! teda l'laki len ka ? 
ch0oiii !!
ma0 jwa DEA bhaa . pnya idi0t ka0 gurL ~
last'last qamu kple . tym thu kta mc lae kple~means dat ! 
ka0 curank sma saia! smpi hati ka0 ! 
thn sa bwa ka0 brek dpn'dpn .
gurl ka0 d bwa tingu'tingu~
bgus'bgus sudhaa sa bwa ka0 brek . 
ka0 ckp NANTI seja . smpi bila ka0 mao c sakit aty sa ? 
last'last ka0 yg bwa brek . wuhuuu~ (hncurr hati kuuuuuu)
tpi pa buli bwt lah . ka0 sma dea brek jwa thu .
g0mbira jwa sa ckit'ckit~
tpi masa sudhaa berlalu~ :(
s0dihh sa 0eh ! hahah!
(16 dec 09-04 apr 10)
hal lma baa nhe . haha!

btw~sa borink . sa nda taw pa mao share . sa antam'antam seja ~

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Angel, er0l , bed0ng , jen
INSPIRA awkhE ! :)
em0n , gescilla , clare 
Durank Milik saia! hehe :)


Friendship is a strange thing .
We find 0urselves telling each 0ther .
The deEpest details of 0ur lives .
Things we d0n't even share with the families wh0 raised us .
But what is a FRIEND ?
A confidant ?

A sh0ulder t0 cry 0n ?
An ear t0 listen ?
A heart t0 listen ?
A heart t0 feel ?
A FRIEND is all these .
No matter where we met .
No matter h0w l0ng we've been t0gether .
I call y0u FRIEND . 
A w0rd s0 small , yet so large in feelings .
A w0rd filled with em0tion .
A w0rd 0verfl0wing with LOVE . 
Truly great things c0me in small packages .
Once the package 0f FRIENDSHIP is 0pened .
It can never be cl0sed .
It is a c0nstant b0ok waiting , 
Waiting to be read and enj0yed .
We may have 0ur disagreements .
We may have 0ur disapp0intment .
We may argued .
We may c0ncern 0ne an0ther .
B0nd that lasts thr0ugh all tribulations .
Appart of each of us goes into 0ur FRIENDSHIP is
0ur hum0r , 0ur experiences and 0ur tears . 
 FRIENDSHIP is f0undation, necessary f0r live & LOVE .
 You brought an0ther FRIEND and then we were three .
We started 0ur gr0up .
0ur circle 0f friend .
There is n0 begginig .
There is n0 END .
